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基于江西省集体林权制度改革项目2011—2016年的连续监测数据,考虑非农就业的内生性,采用IV-Probit模型及其估计方法,分析集体林区农户劳动力长期外出务工对林地流转的影响。结果显示:集体林区农户劳动力迁移程度对林地转入有抑制作用,但对林地转出具有促进作用,且都通过了显著性检验。因此,政府部门应该在如何推动农村劳动力实现长期、有效、稳定的非农就业转移这一问题上做出相关努力,以促进农户间的林地流转,最终实现林业规模经营的目的。  相似文献   
Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) have emerged in recent years as outcome‐based public‐private partnerships (PPP) for the delivery of welfare services, where the payment to the private operator is linked to the achievement of superior social impact. Since the traditional infrastructure‐based PPP approach seems to have failed to achieve higher level of efficiency and, above all, effectiveness, this paper discusses the extent to which the SIB model can represent a reference point to innovate the PPP model by introducing more focus on outcome achievement and social value generation.  相似文献   
This paper critically examines the ‘asset transfer’ of leisure services from the public to the voluntary sector. Asset transfer might be theorised as ‘austerity localism’, in which volunteers are obliged to fill the gaps left by retreating public provision, or as ‘progressive localism’, which represents new opportunities through the localism and Big Society agendas to develop more locally responsive, cooperative and mutualist visions. In this way, asset transfer might overcome the limitations of the United Kingdom policies in which ‘Big Government’ is replaced by civic society. Drawing on qualitative interviews with key personnel (volunteers, managers and local authority officers) at 12 leisure facilities, a grounded assessment of the nuanced balance between ‘austerity localism’ and ‘progressive localism’ is provided, including three observations. First, the main impetus for transfer was cuts in local authority budgets which stimulated the emergence of local groups of volunteers. Secondly, the transfers themselves required interaction between local government and the volunteer groups; however, the nature of the relationship and support given varied and support was limited by austerity measures. Thirdly, volunteers do not automatically fill a gap left by the state: without support transfer viability relies on the financial and social capital among volunteer groups, and this is unevenly distributed. These findings suggest that the capacity for a ‘progressive localism’ to emerge through asset transfer is limited. However, where transfer has occurred, there are some progressive benefits of volunteer empowerment and a more flexible service.  相似文献   
在全球价值链分工日益成熟的背景下,跨国企业的关联交易安排日益复杂,如何制定转让定价规则以保证整体税负和风险水平同时较低成为跨国企业面临的新问题。通过W集团在关联交易中转让定价策略的案例,运用价值链分析和功能风险分析,从企业价值创造和税收产生的源头着眼,沿着价值链的推进分析了VIE模式的跨国企业在转让定价中的税负与风险问题。基于价值链分析构建出跨国企业的转让定价分析模型,可为跨国企业制定转让定价策略提供新思路,也有助于丰富价值链分析的应用领域。  相似文献   
当市场环境不好以及不确定性增加时,基金进行安全投资转移。企业积极履行社会责任所形成的声誉资本具有“类保险”作用,在面临负面事件或不确定性环境冲击时能够防止股价大幅下跌和市值损失;基金是否会在市场环境不好时将投资组合转向社会责任绩效更高的股票进行安全投资转移呢?使用2010—2017年开放式基金样本,实证检验了企业社会责任、市场环境与安全投资转移之间的关系。研究发现,在市场环境表现不佳时,基金避险需求增加,倾向将投资组合更多地转向社会责任绩效高的股票进行安全投资转移;进一步研究发现基金和基金经理特征影响基金的安全投资转移行为,净资金流入较少、历史业绩差、经理选股能力差的基金根据企业社会责任进行安全投资转移的程度大。研究还发现,基金的安全投资转移行为对基金业绩和基金收益波动产生了积极影响。  相似文献   
本文首先从理论层面系统阐述均衡性转移支付、公共支出结构与经济增长质量三者之间的多重作用机制。其次立足“五大发展理念”构建综合指标体系对经济增长质量展开测度,本文发现我国地方经济增长质量虽然在整体上呈缓慢上升态势,但其绝对水平相对偏低,且具有较为明显的地区异质性。最后本文通过构建动态面板联立方程模型与采取三阶段最小二乘法进行实证考察,结果表明:地方政府公共支出结构与经济增长质量显著正相关,但均衡性转移支付与经济增长质量的正相关关系并不显著。标准化回归结果显示均衡性转移支付能够通过优化公共支出结构对地方经济增长质量产生间接提升效应。  相似文献   
Using firm-level data for 1,084 parent firms in 24 countries and for 9,497 subsidiaries in 54 countries, we show that tax-motivated profit shifting is larger among subsidiaries in countries that have stable corporate tax rates over time. Our findings further suggest that firms move away from transfer pricing and toward intragroup debt shifting that has lower adjustment costs. Our results are robust to several identification methods and respecifications, and they highlight the important role of tax-rate uncertainty in the profit-shifting decision while pointing to an adjustment away from more costly transfer pricing and toward debt shifting.  相似文献   
将生态系统服务付费(PES)工具分为经济类和非经济类两种,根据生态服务生产者和付费者的支付意愿,进一步细分为双方自愿支付、集体自愿支付、强制双方支付、强制集体支付四种具体的PES制度,通过分类介绍PES机制在全球的各种实践案例,归纳PES机制成功推行的共同点,分析PES系统的社会和环境挑战与由此产生的生物多样性风险之间的关系。  相似文献   
土地产权趋于稳定将强化农户的剩余控制权和剩余索取权,进而激励农户改进农业生产行为,但这种激励具有情景依赖性:由于农户进行农业生产经营的能力和目的不同,并不是所有的农户都会因此而改进农业生产行为。采用2018年广东省“千村调研”数据,分析确权颁证对农户采纳测土配方施肥技术的影响,结果表明:农地确权颁证虽然赋予农户实现农地价值的剩余权,但能否促进农户采纳测土配方施肥技术还取决于农户自身的获益能力和收益本身的效用。如果农户缺乏实现农业生产超额利润的能力(低收入农户),即使土地产权趋向稳定,也难以产生采纳测土配方施肥技术的动力;如果实现农地价值的最优方式是“他用”而非“自用”,即使采纳测土配方施肥技术会带来农业生产超额利润,农户也不会积极采纳;如果农户具有实现农业超额利润的能力(高收入农户)和预期(以农业为主业的农户),则确权颁证会促进其采纳测土配方施肥技术。农地确权颁证对农户绿色生产行为的促进有着情景依赖性,因而,在农地确权颁证的同时要完善农地流转制度,通过土地产权稳定和流转稳定的双重激励更有效地促进农业生产经营主体积极施行绿色生产行为。  相似文献   
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